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House in the Garden, 1909

Updated: May 14, 2021

House in the Garden is another landscape Pablo Picasso produced at La Rue des Bois that reinforces the link between him and Paul Cezanne. Here, Picasso presents a humble scene, a small house fenced off from a pathway and framed by two trees. In the background, a third tree appears silhouetted against a bluish gray sky. It is the absence of detail and the solidity of the forms that relate most closely to Cezanne's work.

The house itself has been reduced to three solid planes - end wall, sidewall, and roof, though the latter two areas blend into each other. There is no indication of the door, window, or chimney, and the colors used to depict this house match those used to describe the surrounding landscape. Also, the use of bold, diagonal brushstrokes reduces the sense of spatial recession and the background sky seems every bit as solid as the foreground tree. Notably, while Picasso was producing his Cezannesque landscapes in northern France, Georges Braque was producing similar works in the south at L'Estaque, in Cezanne's native Aix-en-Provence. Picasso and Braque exhibited these works together in Paris towards the end of 1909.

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